You have heard that a solid building requires a strong foundation to support its walls and floors. And that’s true. The top will be typically unsupported and extremely unstable without the proper foundation on the bottom. A weak base can give rise to other issues. It can cause severe problems and even irreversible structural damage.
Fortunately, some simple preventive and combative procedures can be used to prevent any such issue. Stability is vital when creating a robust base. Here are four ways to enhance your building foundation.
Soil Inspection
The use of the best cement and reinforcement materials is ineffective if the soil where they are placed is not thoroughly tested. So, soil testing is the initial step in managing the development of good foundations.
The kind and condition of the soil are important for building construction. A moist base can be unstable during wet seasons and floods, making it difficult to ensure a good foundation. Hiring a competent ground inspector to test the soil is crucial. You can also assign your structural engineer to undertake the soil analysis before drilling the ground for foundation laying.
However, one possible issue that can arise during foundation installation is cracks in masonry. This occurs when clay-like soil expands and contracts when it becomes wet. More fractures develop over time, and the building may soon deteriorate. This happens in regions that receive more rainfall. Therefore, if you are on the west side of the country, make sure to have a professional test the soil first.
Build the Foundation.
Install the footings to start the construction of the base. To create foundations, remember to either pour concrete into wood forms or straight into the trenches. It depends on the soil and foundation type that you want for your building.
Furthermore, reinforcement is necessary for concrete to gain strength and resist cracking. It is worth the little extra expense to fix rebars (steel reinforcing bars). Once the concrete is poured, make sure to check that there is no air gap to prevent it from developing further cracks in the foundation.
You can seal the footings with a premium sealer. Keep in mind that the concrete base should be filled with any gaps before proceeding further. You should also focus on the minute details, such as using the proper concrete ready mix and the appropriate amount of water, pouring the layer to the desired depth, etc. Utilize the services of a reputable concrete contractor to construct a successful foundation.
Jacketing of Foundations
Another technique you may hear about is foundation jacketing. This process is used when columns need strengthening. This is a common requirement when adding extra weight to the wall, such as through expansions.
If you want to ensure that the wall is strong enough to support this, then you should widen or improve the strength of the foundation that is already present. The crew adds a concrete jacket to the building’s existing footings to do this.
House Lifting
House lifting can be an excellent idea to lessen the chance of flood damage. This is never an easy cycle, but it may require putting hydraulic oil jacks underneath the home to lift it. Hydraulic jacks use an incompressible liquid like hydraulic fluid or jack oil for force multiplication.
This process separates the actual construction of the building from its foundation and gradually raises it. It can be beneficial when the building requires foundation repair or movement adjustment.