4 Types of Exercises


Exercise is very important in our life. Every type of exercise has a specific benefit. However, everyone is not aware of two main things:

  1. Which type of exercise does their body need? 
  2. What is the right way to do that exercise?

So, firstly, you should research or consult about the types of exercises and their respective benefits. Then, you can achieve your desired results. Here are some important types of exercises: 

Endurance Exercises 

The very first category is endurance exercises. In this type, the following exercises are included:

  • Brisk walking or jogging
  • Yard work
  • Dancing
  • Swimming
  • Biking
  • Climbing stairs or hills
  • Playing tennis or basketball

These exercises are especially for the cardiovascular system, circulatory system, and respiratory system, as well as to build muscular strength. Moreover, these exercises make our bodies resistant to breast and colon cancer, diabetes, and other such diseases. 

Strength Exercises 

Strength exercises include weight lifting, squats, push-ups, lunges, and other resistance exercises. These exercises require technical knowledge, so you should hire a physical trainer or take fitness classes online in order to avoid muscle strains. Here is a list of strength exercises:

  • Sit to stand 
  • Mini squats 
  • Calf raises 
  • Sideways leg lift 
  • Leg extension 
  • Wall press up 
  • Biceps curl

Strength exercises result in solid muscles, which cannot only help you lift any load but also avoid joint pain. Moreover, these exercises can increase muscle strength and muscle size and cause fat burn to prevent obesity. 

Stretch Exercises 

Stretch exercises are also called flexibility exercises. These exercises increase muscle and joint flexibility. Here are some of the most common stretch exercises:

  • Child pose
  • Lunge stretch 
  • Low lunge 
  • Side stretch 
  • Seated hamstring
  • Quad stretch 
  • Triceps stretch 
  • Knee to chest stretch

However, never do stretch exercises before warm-up. It can cause muscle strain. There are several benefits of stretch exercises, such as increasing the range of joint movement, reducing the risk of injuries, improving blood flow, and increasing productivity in daily activities. 

Balance Exercises 

Balance exercises improve the balance of the body during walking and running. Moreover, you may require balance during fighting or kicking. Here are some important balance exercises:

  • Standing on a foot
  • Heel-to-toe walk 
  • Standing from the chair position
  • Single leg squat
  • Toe taps

You can find many other balance exercises. If you are doing exercise, you should do any of these exercises regularly. These are not strenuous but have benefits in the long run. These are helpful, especially in the old age. These will prevent old people from falling. Moreover, these exercises can help to deal with orthopedic issues.  


Exercises only show results when they are practiced regularly for a more extended period. As exercise requires a lot of motivation, you have to start with small steps. Choose light loads and do a little exercise at the start. 

Firstly, make the routine and then increase the exercise step by step. Moreover, if you have a budget, pay and appoint a physical trainer and act according to his guidance. Furthermore, for better results, maintain a healthy diet that can provide enough energy for the workout.  

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